Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Favourite items of 2014 :)

:Today is New Year's Eve :) Tonight (If our grandparents let us) we will be trying to stay up til midnight :) Fredsta909 and Finlayp198 will probably fall asleep at around 10:00-11:30...LOL :)

Sorry I couldn't post these earlier BUT...
This is a message  from Megg:
Hi Penguins,
Looking back at this past year, all I gotta say is... WOW! There were so many epic things that happened it's hard to decide which was my favorite. In case you're having trouble remembering all the epicness, here are some of the highlights:
 * 9 new puffles (There were 24 new puffles! WRONG INFO!)
 * Monthly parties on mobile
 * Club Penguin for Android
 * Puffle Wild for iOS
 * Merry Walrus Holiday Special
To celebrate all this awesomeness, we'll be releasing a Best of 2014 mashup music video! Leading up to it, we'll be asking what some of your favorites of the past year were and why.

Let's start it off with items: What was your favorite item of 2014 and why? Let us know by leaving a comment below!
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

I think the intergalactic hoodie that is on the photo is my fave item! It's really cool methinks!

Here is another message by Megg:
Hey Penguins!
Big thanks to everyone that left a comment on our favorite items of 2014 post! Here are a few comments that we enjoyed:
Funnylimes: My favorite item was: The fluffy gown! Go Fluffies!!! :D
Mighty Pant: My favorite item from 2014 is definitely the Magma Hoodie from the prehistoric party. It has those cool little details that make you say: "Cool!" when you see them.
CloverthedogI liked the soccer trophy from the penguin cup party because it was such a great party! I liked how we got to play and actually decide the winner of the cup! Go CP!

My favourite is 'Best day ever' because Cadance and the Penguin band sing it TOGETHER :)

Another message by Megg:

Wow, only one more day until we begin a new year filled with new adventures. And of course, only one more day until the release of our Best of 2014 Mashup video!
Ready for our last question? Before I ask, here are some comments from our previous post about your favorite song of 2014:
Spooky: My fave song of 2014 was Best Day Ever, as it taught me that anything is possible , even the best day ever.
Penguincam04: Mine was "Rock The Boat" during the Music Jam! DROP DOWN THE BEAT! XD
Spark2207: Gotta be The Puffle Shuffle from the end of We Wish You A Merry Walrus. This song has 2 of my favorite things on CP: Cadence, And Puffles.
Alright! Now let's hear it – what was your, could not get enough of-wish it lasted longer-all-time favorite party of 2014?
Waddle on,
-Club Penguin Team

I didn't really HAVE a favourite but I think the Fair 2014-It was LOADS AND TONS of fun :)

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