Friday, 26 December 2014

An update post....Merry xmas 2014 :) All about Coins for Change :)

I am having trouble finding time to post because of xmas, sorry about that! Yesterday December 25th was filled with FAMILY FUN :) All the family went to our house and we exchanged gifts and presents :) BUT REMEMBER that some people are less fortunate than us and I think that the Band Aid song is VERY IMPORANT! Example:
this is us on Christmas day...nice, warm, cosy houses, proper clothes, presents ect...
and this is them...cold, tired, hungry, small/no house, no medical teatment ect...
I think that coins for change is GREAT and IMPORTANT and PLEASE DONATE!
This train is donating LOADS :)
This year, 2014 we can make playgrounds...
Save the forest... (LOL this igloo took FOREVER-hope you guys like the waterfall!)
Libraries AND Schools :)
PLEASE donate as much as possible so TOGETHER we can make a difference :) In fact, here are some Q and A's for penguins new to cons for change :)

What is Coins for Change?
Coins for change is an AWESOME and FUN way to give to charity at Christmas time :)

How do I donate?
To donate, simply find a donation station during a Christmas party and Click it.

At what time of year can I donate?
You can only donate in the December Christmas party.

How much can I give?
This year, you can donate 100, 1,000 and 10,000  If you donate any of these numbers for the first time, you will earn a stamp!

What other stamps can you also get for donating?
The only other stamp is to just donate any number of coins :)

Do the different charities change at all?
Yes, I think they change at least once every year :)

Do you have to be a member?
Thankfully, no :)

If you have any more questions, be sure to ask!

CFC rocks!

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