Something TERRIBLE has just happened! When I came home from the CP times office after posting my Save Kanan Cheats post, my house had been ROBBED! My Puffles came sadly bouncing toward me, and told me The Inquisitor had ROBBED us and is coming back! We all quickly jumped into our ship to our secret base on the moon! I used what's left of our stuff to make our igloo into a home, though our base has been there so long (since 2011) with no-one in, we couldn't get rid of the cobwebs and spiders. We covered up the windows and put in a speed bike we stole from the Empire! We also have a box portal to teleport to the kind orange Puffles' box dimension! We also put a LOT of protection over the door. For another protection, we used cannons in case we needed to launch away. Here is the igloo-we did our best! (My Puffles are in an indoor backyard with over secure protection)
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