Saturday, 27 December 2014

What am I doig today? (Quick update)

Today I have mostly been working on a GIANT lego model that I have now finished :)I also went to the gym and my friends are currently around our house :) Oh, I have also been posting LOTS to make up for the couple of days I didn't post :) Tomorrow me, Finlayp198 and dad are going to watch an AWAY football/soccer match :) After that we will meet Fredsta909 and mum and then we are going to my oldest Uncle and Italian Aunts' house for the night :) DON'T WORRY they have a computer so I can still update and post there :) Then we will have a LONG TRIP back home with full tummies because every morning when we are there the make a SUPER DUPER ULTRA MASSIVE YUMMY DELICIOUS cooked breakfast :) Today is lovely-my friends are here, we are all playing SAFELY by the fire and we are about to get Chinese takeaway :) And tomorrow is going to be SUPER AWESOME and THANKS dad for getting us tickets :) I can HARDLY WAIT and I hope that we will get a GREAT result :) I will tell you about it at my Aunt and Uncle's house tomorrow :) WOW this is a long post!

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