Monday 16 February 2015

Club Penguin-A race against time!

I was waddling around in Club Penguin when I found Gary's Time trekker!
I stepped inside and went through time...I was at my First ever post!
I jumped as fast as possible into the Time Trekker and I ended my blog central?!?!
I tripped over the Club Penguin banner and fell on top of the picture of me...LOL :)
Then I remembered not to mess with time... so I hopped in the time trekker, of which began to move AGAIN...I was at a PENGUIN CHAT! Now this couldn't be right...I hadn't even heard of CP then...
Then I noticed a penguin staring at the Time Trekker...Um gotta go! I shouted.
I was on the move again, and when I waddled out, I was home :)
But then I heard talking...It was the penguins from Penguin chat! Oops...I hope they enjoy this new, modern lifestyle :)

Thanks for reading my story everyone :) I hope you enjoyed the silliness and please comment saying if you do or don't want to see any silly stories in the future :)
All my adventures in Club Penguin :)


  1. Pengydapenguin ;)16 February 2015 at 09:55

    YES!!! That story was FANTASTIC!!!! �������� loved it so much!!!

  2. Yes, I do want to see more silly stories in the future, I thought this was very funny (:

  3. Hellomynameishello16 February 2015 at 10:00

    It was good, but maybe a bit less silly in the future. Some bits did make me laugh though, no offence.

    1. It's okay, none taken. It's great to hear other peoples views! :)

  4. Great, I love penguin chat. anyway great story, you must've worked hard on it! I'll rate it 7/10 and a yes, more silly stories.

  5. I havn't heard of penguin chat before, what is it? By the way, it was a good story. I'm not shure I want to vote, so I wont but the story was silly!

    1. Hi Username1234 :) Penguin Chat is the game Lane Merrifield (Billlybob) and Rsnail made, that eventually turned into Club Penguin :)

  6. It was okay...hmmm...yeah about 4/10, wasn't the best ever...sorry...

    NOT! Just kidding! it was great, really a great 8/10, just not so silly! How did you get the time trekker on your blog? also, how did you get penguin chat? Was it a private server? plz answer!

    1. Hi Anonymous :) I DON'T play private servers as they are ILLEGAL and NOT as fun as the real Club Penguin! I only play in the REAL Club Penguin :)

  7. I really found this funny! keep up the good work!
